Ciaran was a wise and gentle soul who not only loved nature and the outdoors, but every person, creature and plant that resides within it. He was an amazing ambassador for peace and love with his peers, their parents, his teachers, his family and every stranger that he ever met.
As Ciaran never got the chance to live out his "dream" we, his family hope for his legacy to live on through him and the recipients of his bursary.
The recipient of this bursary should be a positive member of the school community who shows integrity in their actions. He or she must be pursuing vocational training or planning on attending a college or technical institution in the areas of Emergency Services, Search and Rescue, Outdoor Education or Wilderness Guiding. Students who demonstrate financial need will be given priority.
The bursary was presented to the recipient on June 11, 2014 Thank you for accepting Ciarans' Dream Bursary and we wish you great success in your future. |